Monday, November 21, 2011

Links for $ saving coupons or free baby stuff?

Know of any NON-spam links that will send coupons and free stuff to me in the mail.

I am going to have a baby in January and was wondering if anyone knew of any sites i could check out that would help save money.Links for $ saving coupons or free baby stuff?
Congrats on your baby!

Below are some of my favorites from when I was pregnant 12 years ago. Back then, I made phone calls or mailed in postage paid reply cards. Almost all of them will send coupons by mail. Some will send samples too.

Be sure to buy your local newspaper's Sunday edition for the coupons. There are always great coupons there too. If you don't want to buy it each week, invest in a Sunday only subscription.


Edit on 12-09-08: Kaas is wrong about the coupons by mail from Pampers %26amp; Huggies. They will send at least 2 coupons every time they send them to their registered customers' addresses. If she didn't get them, then someone was tampering with her mail. My neighbor across the street told me this morning that she gets at least 3-4 coupons from both Pampers AND Huggies every time they mail them out. She also said more are in the Sunday coupons in the paper, but they expire sooner %26amp; the mailed ones have a longer expiration date. I verified this with my son's friend's mom who had a baby boy 3 weeks ago. She said her daughter's way beyond Pull Ups but still gets those coupons in the mail too. They have large family %26amp; share the coupons.Links for $ saving coupons or free baby stuff?
if you want free samples, I really like . They are great because they are updated daily and all of their offers are ';catch free';, that means no long surveys, no pay offers. They also have a e-mailing list where they send you the free samples listed on their site. I use that so I get them in my email (but it is not required to view the free samples). Their descriptions are pretty funny too! If you are looking for a specific type of free sample, there is a categories list, and a search bar right above categories so that you can do searches.

Anyways I hope you enjoy!

Oh yeah if you aren't from the US you might like these sample sites. They are pretty much setup the same way but are special for specific countries

Canada Samples -

UK samples -
You can go to any of the websites.... pampers, luvs, huggies, enfamil and they have register things. I have gotten maybe 40 dollars in enfamil coupons. But, honestly, they really dont send you a whole lot. The diapers websites will sent you like one coupon for a dollar off. At least that's what they sent me. I find more in the Sunday paper. I have never been a coupon person. But, the last couple months I started clipping them and you can save alot. On stuff you are buying anyway... toilet paper, dish soap, groceries. Every little bit helps. Also, some websites I have written down over the past couple months (but cant remember which ones are best)
yes go to:



nestle baby

heinz baby

ive gotten diaper bags coupons formula so far in the mail! im expecting more soon!

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