Monday, July 26, 2010

How should I ORGANIZE my coupons??

I bought a coupon organizer and I have 12 pockets to work with. . .how should I label the pockets, please help cuz I want to use them all, thanx!!How should I ORGANIZE my coupons??
I label mine based on what aisles the items are in the store and I pull them out and put them aside as I pick up the items since I always forget to use my coupons if I dont do it that way!! Its made my life a hell of a lot easier!!How should I ORGANIZE my coupons??
lolol By the expiration dates and according to food groups.
After you've thrown the expired ones out. I'd put them in the order that you walk in the store. I start at one end of the store, but pick up the produce,meat, dairy then frozen last.(and in that order) So in my little folder or envelope I would put them that order. This makes it quick and your stuff isn't out of the fridge for very long.

Ex: Bread,Cookies, Baking goods, Canned Goods, etc.,Produce, Meat, Dairy, Frozen Foods.As u find your item, pull your coupon out to the side and go to the next item.

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